[cs23021] Computer Labs

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Tue Sep 21 22:34:46 EDT 2010

>      I just have a couple of questions about computer labs around the
>      1) When and where can I go to work on labs outside of my dorm room?
>      2) Do all computer on campus have Eclipse?

In general, computer labs on campus are not equipped in
Eclipse. Computer labs in this department are. Specifically 139, 162
and 160.

Lab 160 has tutors (they are there for 10061 so they may provide some
help for CSI as well). The lab schedule is here:


You can also come to the lab sessions for the other three sections in
the course to work on your assignments. 

However, the best strategy is to set up Eclipse on your own machine.


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