[cs23021-2] end of semester announcements

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Thu Dec 3 14:02:05 EST 2009

CS 1 students,

Here is a list of announcements as the semester is drawing to an close.

- There will be no formal lab assignments for lab sessions
  on Monday, December 7 (Section 003) and Wednesday, December 9
  (Section 004): there is not enough time left in the semester to
  finish another lab assignment. However, the labs will be open on
  those days. The deadline for the last lab assignment -- Lab 13 is
  extended to include the next lab. That is, Lab 13 is due right after
  the lab on Dec 7 (for section 003) and on Dec 9 (for section 004).

  You do not have to attend these lab sessions. However, you
  are welcome to come to finish up the last lab assignment. On
  Monday, Manas will be in the lab. On Wednesday Manas is out of town 
  but I will find somebody to substitute for him.

- All your semester grades (labs, quizzes, participation, midterm)
  will be posted on the course's website by the morning, Thursday
  December 10th. Make sure to check your grades for omissions and
  inconsistencies. I will hold my last semester office hours on
  Thursday, December 10th 12:30-2pm. This is the last time to come and
  discuss your semester grades.

- The last portion of the new material will be covered on Tuesday,
  December 8th: bit manipulation in C++. December 10th lecture will be
  spent reviewing the material and discussing the final exam.

- The final exam is on Thursday December 15, 12:45-3:00pm, in room 228
  (our classroom).


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